Cloud web hosting in Nairobi

Cloud web hosting in Nairobi

Cloud web hosting in Nairobi is available to customers via multiple interconnected servers. These online servers offer you all the essential requirements of website hosting. Cloud hosting means that the user derives all web hosting services from different online servers. The underlying term is the cloud which refers to a facility that obtains its utilities from numerous hosting providers. Cloud web hosting in Nairobi claims much popularity in the current age. Hosting on a cloud is on-demand web hosting approach due to its flexibility to adjust to traffic needs of the client.

Performance and approach of cloud web hosting in Nairobi

Cloud web hosting in Nairobi is procuring website computing resources from cloud service provider. Unlike dedicated servers, cloud web hosting uses virtual servers to get the utilities of hosting a website. More clearly, cloud web hosting is the use of virtual network connectivity, disc space, hardware and maintenance from the cloud provider. Virtualization enables the working of cloud web hosting service by multiple online cloud providers.

The use of cloud web hosting in Nairobi is an extension of clustered hosting where multiple servers pull their resources together in a cloud. Hosting on a cloud has two approaches depending on the security requirements of users. Public cloud hosting is whereby all activities of the cloud are on open networks and data is shared between the servers. The use of public hosting means that the underlying approach to date sharing, network infrastructure, and the operating system is similar. Private cloud hosting implies that data is shared on private secure networks by the web providers.

Benefits of cloud web hosting

For clients seeking cloud web hosting in Nairobi are tapping to the fantastic opportunity of website hosting. The use of cloud hosting is commonly called on-demand website hosting. The following are the benefits of using the cloud.


When using cloud hosting, the cost you pay depends on the amount of data on your website and website traffic. Compared with dedicated hosting where on acquires the whole infrastructure, cloud hosting services are cheaper since the server is online. All the hardware, space and networking tools are provided for by the cloud provider.


Cloud hosting is the most reliable hosting plans one can ever get. The use of virtualized interconnected servers guarantees reliability. As opposed to traditional hosting where only one server was in use, cloud hosting depends on multiple servers to run. The purpose of various servers is beneficial in the sense that if one server goes down, your website still runs smoothly. The client is assured that there is no downtime on the site.

Scalable and customizable

With the use of virtualization, one’s website bandwidth, disk size, and CPU functionality are adjustable on demand. The customer is given control to customize the website appearance or even add another feature.

Data security

Since clients’ data is on multiple physical servers, there is a reduction in data redundancy. If there is a loss of data from one server, there exist more backup copies from other servers within the cloud. Hence, the client has the assurance that the data is secure and readily available when needed.

Concerns about cloud web hosting in Nairobi

Cloud web hosting rises several questions concerning security and control. Since the data is within a cloud, the accessibility to your data depends on connection availability. If there are issues in the cloud virtualization, downtime may be experienced but not often. Security of sensitive data is another concern of cloud web hosting in Nairobi. Many clients might feel insecure bearing in mind that the information is available on multiple servers. Regardless, cloud web hosting in Nairobi is the new assured way to having high traffic without experiencing downtime.